Hyacinth Protection Tips: Keeping Deer from Dining on Your Blooms”

As herbivores, deer have a varied feeding spectrum and browse on many plant species in their natural habitats. The hyacinth is a plant that stirs mixed reactions among gardeners, and

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Can Chicken Eat Onions

Can Chickens Eat Onions – Safe or Toxic? With regards to taking care of chickens, giving them a fair eating routine that meets their nourishing needs is fundamental. Yet, what

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Best Breeds of Chickens That Lay Dark Brown Eggs

5 Types of Chickens That Lay Dark brown Eggs   1. Barnevelder Chickens: Dark Chocolate Eggs The Barnevelder hens are famous for being amazing earthy colored egg layers, known for

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Do Hens Crow like ROOSTER?

Why is My Hen Crowing Like a Rooster? I remember one morning when I was surprised to hear one of my hens crowing like a rooster. At first, I thought

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Can Chickens Swim?

Can Chicken swim? A Warning to Chicken Owners We've all seen videos on YouTube in which a chicken swims backwards in a pool. What a cute idea! Actually, no. On

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Exploring the Unique Characteristics and Care of Skinny Goats

Skinny goats, also known as miniature or pygmy goats, are small domestic goats often kept for milk, meat, or as pets. Families and hobbyists keep them for their friendly nature

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Can Chicken Drown In Rain?

Can Chickens Stay Out In The Rain? Chickens and humans alike enjoy being cooled off and refreshed by a rain shower. When a lot of chicken farmers are looking forward

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Blood on Egg Shell

                     Blood on Chicken Egg Shell There are many different types, shapes, and textures of our chicken eggs. Eggs that are

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Smartest Chicken Breeds

                        Smartest Chicken Breeds We as a rule consider chickens as simple animals that we raise to just profit

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac

Signs a Chicken is Dying

How do you know if chickens are dying? Throughout the long term I have been keeping chickens I have seen large numbers of the pass on. Some of the time

Dr. Amelia Mac Dr. Amelia Mac