Do Crocodiles Feel Pain?

Dr. Amelia Mac
6 Min Read


Crocodiles are reptilian apliota-made up of different genomes, Genus in itself has been around for more than 200 million years. With a great bite, armor-like scales and to top it off at the highest level of apical predator. However, have you ever thought about do crocodiles feel pain? It is a very interesting question and an important one, putting into perspective how these animals are used in both the wild as well as captivity. Here we will look at what has been reported regarding pain in crocodiles.

What is Pain in Animals?

Pain is a mechanism that helps other animals, including humans sort through possible dangers or injury. It alerts them that something is amiss and they can avoid more injury. Pain essentially has two factors:

Nociception: The body’s ability to feel that something is wrong (i.e. burning in a fire or being stabbed)

Contorting Pain: This is the torture it inflicts; your pain, a sense of unease.

The components in mammals, such as humans, are well known for both of them. What about crocodiles, then?

Crocodile Nervous System

Crocodiles possess a nervous system, made up of the brain, spinal cord and many nerves which flow to all groups of their body. This system allows them to react to their surroundings and threats. Tests showed that the crocs possessed a type of nociceptors, or nerves that detect pain. That means when crocodiles are being hurt, they can feel it.

What Happens When Crocodiles are in Pain?

A sure sign that something experiences pain is to see it flinch away when injured. This is what we see in crocs

Avoidance : Injured crocodiles commonly avoid using an injured body part in the way humans protect a sore hand or foot.

Vocalization :Crocodiles hyperventilate when under great stress (for instance a human is pulling on his tail), but this often works against crocs… Groans, bellows or roars and distress sounds in response to pain are soemtimes observed though significantly less studied compared with other animals.

Defensive Behavior: Some injured crocs may become more defensive or protective, attempting to keep the wound from being harmed further.

This is evidence that, like other animals, crocodiles do experience pain.

Evidence-based research into Pain in Reptiles

A frog has shown us that it could distinguish between two emotions in her companion, but there was no evidence for pain perception studies in reptiles yet (17) as the case with other groups of animals. But from what we do know, it seems clear that reptiles can suffer pain. This type of change is characteristic to what we see in people and other animals that have typical responses when hurt, which suggests continuity with pain mediated by the quest for homeostasis over a period of time. Their brains process pain signals in a similar way to mammals.

Can Crocodile Be Sad?

That said, the idea of emotional pain is much murkier in crocodiles. Crocodiles have more basic brains than mammals, in particular where emotions are concerned That is to say they most likely feel no emotionnal pain, or “suffering” as humans and other mammals do. But they can still experience pain even in the absence of suffering that would lead them to defend themselves.

How to Care for Captive Crocodiles

  • Understanding that crocs feel pain is of vital importance when it comes to managing their welfare in zoos or farm and even research facilities. We should treat these animals humanely by;
  • Giving them high-quality medical treatment when they are hurt.
  • During procedures such as surgeries to provide pain relief.
  • Making sure their surroundings are secure and appealing to avoid need pain.


Crocodiles feel pain They are just not very good at showing it. They have the anatomy too and they demonstrate behaviors, reactive only to noxious stimuli. They do not feel pain from emotional distress as humans do, but their physical ability to experience pain should warrant consideration in our treatment of them — especially the sort that keeps those animals captive. This knowledge keeps us aware of the treatment we should be giving to our crocodiles, exactly like animals they are.


  • Do crocodiles have the ability to feel pain?

Not even close; in fact, crocodiles experience pain. Some of these animals possess nociceptors, part of their nervous system which are specialized to detect potentially damaging events (or injuries) and can help them perceive physical pain.

  • How do crocodiles react when they are in pain?

If crocodiles feel pain. For example, crocodiles that have their prey handling systems altered by losing the use of a limb due to trauma may either show avoidance behaviour (not using an injured limb), or adopt alternative strategies and become more aggressive/defensive. In some cases, there may be distress sounds.

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