The Most Dangerous Animals in Puerto Rico

Dr. Amelia Mac
6 Min Read


Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico is a gorgeous island in the Caribbean, recognized for its pristine beaches, rich heritage and rainforest. It has also been home to deadly animals of all shapes and stripes. They have no cougars or bears, but you may be dodging a different kind of beast. Then. What are the most dangerous animals in Puerto Rico and how can you defend yourself?

1. Brown Recluse Spider

Loxosceles Recluse (Brown Recluse Spider) = Small yellow-brown spider with a bite that hurts. Although not indigenous to Puerto Rico, it is found in the island. The bite of this spider can result in large skin lesions and occasionally life-threatening systemic illness, especially with one type.

How to Avoid It:

Also relish the dark corners and stagnant places to have contiguity before touching them with hands

Clean your shoes and cloths thoroughly before wearing them

If bitten, clean the area and see a doctor right away.

2. Puerto Rican Giant Centipede

A native to Puerto Rico, the giant centipede is one of (if not THE largest) in its class — 12 inches. The genus name of the common aggressive behavior and significantly painful bite (able to produce swelling which extends over a large portion or entire joint that it strikes more often than not), but generally non-life threatening.

How to Avoid It:

Be very careful when walking through thick vegetation, and NEVER walk in it after dark.

Do not go barefoot and keep an eye where you put your hands or feet.

If bitten, clean the area and use ice to eliminate pain. Visit a doctor if necessary.

3. Box Jellyfish

Box jelly fish are one of the most venomous marine animals. It would be an uncommon sight, but it could have taken residence in Puerto Rican waters. This is a sting will make the area excruciatingly painful, heart symptoms and if not treated promptly can be fatal.

How to Avoid It:

Responsible swimming and beach warning compliance.

If swimming in jellyfish areas, don appropriate gear.


4. Cane Toad

Puerto Rican Introduced Species Encyclopedia — Cane Toad (Marine Toad) Bufo marinus War eaters Take Note: The skin of this toad is toxic; its toxins can be dangerous, even fatal in humans (so do watch your pets around these guys—especially if they try swallowing them).

How to Avoid It:

Teach your children not to handle the toads.

When it is raining, do not allow your pets to move in places containing toads.

If doggie was exposed to those toxins you should wash him (if he is biting a lot do that for caution) and run fast to medical or vet help

5. Mosquitoes

These are mosquito species in Puerto Rico that can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, zika virus or chikungunya. Well, they cause diseases that can manifest as very mild or fatal symptoms and are especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children.

How to Avoid Them:

Using insect repellent with DEET or an active ingredient

Long-sleeve clothes: always be sure to wear long sleeves and trousers in the morning, And at night.

Get rid of any pools of stagnant water where mosquitos breed on your property.

6. Puerto Rican Boa

Puerto Rican Boa 12-foot-long Puerto Rico’s largest native snake. It is harmless though it can seem quite intimidating then because of the sheer size. A boa constrictor uses constriction to kill its prey, but will strike if cornered.

How to Avoid It:

Stay away from dense jungle and caves which boas inhabit.

Be respectful of boas and allow them to prosper responsibly.

This is what to do if your snake bite order of importance?


Even though there are some awful critters in Puerto Rico, most can be easily avoided. Staying informed and following these handy tips makes sure you can truly appreciate the natural beauty of this Island with a free mind. An amazing place to be overall, if there was only one knock on it that would have been that you are in danger whenever and wherever this isifi rainforest(Jaguar country) under the sea or anywhere else.

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